Reorg Webinar: Thames Water: Sink or Swim?
Wed Jul 19, 2023 11:22 am Covenants Analysis  Financial Restructuring

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Join Reorg on Friday, July 28, as we discuss the background to Thames Water’s recent troubles and discuss what may lie ahead for the company, its shareholders and creditors. 


  • Celine Buttanshaw, Legal Director
  • Wayne Jambawo, Credit Analyst
  • Connor Lovell, Senior Legal Reporter

Our expert team will provide:

  • A brief summary of the U.K.’s water regulation framework and the relevant special administration regime;
  • An overview of the events and financial performance leading up to the government’s announcement that contingency planning had begun;
  • Market views on the group going forward.

You can find recent coverage on Thames Water here.

Please submit any questions in advance here.

Register Now here.

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