Corporate Restructuring Analysis Using the Reorg Platform
Mon Oct 25, 2021 4:10 pm Financial Restructuring

In the world of corporate restructuring analysis, understanding the financial jeopardy that a company, credit or corporation may be experiencing can make or break your next business deal. There is an abundance of intelligence and data that must be collected during the analysis process, and gathering all of it may take hours of work from an entire team of professionals. The Reorg Platform was built specifically for investment managers, investment bankers, lawyers, professional services and corporations to help them make more informed decisions for themselves and their clients. Here are 5 ways in which our platform can assist you and your team in conducting corporate restructuring analysis.

  1. Global Search
    • The Reorg Global Search feature helps subscribers find information across all of our content within seconds. Featuring intel, docket filings, SEC filings, press releases, transcripts and additional data sources – based on company name/ticker and/or term/phrase – you and your team are able to search for any company we cover to find all of the information you need  within minutes to conduct your corporate restructuring analysis.
  2. Starter Packs
    • The Reorg Starter Packs allow you to easily download a ZIP file, which can be accessed through our Coverage List or on a company page, enabling you to quickly understand a company by providing our most recent intel, analysis and source documents. This feature will allow you to access a high level summary of all of the information you need in order to start your analysis.
  3. Key Company Documents
    • Providing you and your team with documents including earnings reports and presentations, financial transaction releases and more, curated by our Editorial team at the time of coverage, our Key Company Documents allow you to access all intel articles and historical financial information, respectively, in chronological order to conduct your corporate restructuring analysis with ease.
  4. Court Filings
    • Help you and your team’s research efficiency with our comprehensive court filings database, which is designed to help users like you quickly find all the information you need. Easily search by docket caption, docket entry number, judge, jurisdiction, start and end date, and more.
  5. Advisors and First Day Databases
    • The Advisors Database is a searchable directory of financial and legal advisors gathered from thousands of bankruptcy dockets and Reorg intelligence articles. This database is able to be filtered by jurisdiction, advisor type, country and sector to cultivate a targeted list of advisors, allowing you to find similar cases with certain parties involved and prepare for client pitches. The First Day Database includes all Chapter 11 filings since 2012 with more than $10 million in liabilities, as well as selected single asset real estate cases. This database allows you and your team to uncover what’s market in similar situations, saving you hours of painstaking, tedious research and allowing you to drill into the data to develop comps related to advisors, fees, 363 sales, DIP financings and more. Both will increase your analysis efficiently exponentially.

To learn more about how we can assist you and your team to increase your efficiency in conducting corporate restructuring analysis, request a trial here: 

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