Compile critical fee information with Reorg’s Court Filings
Wed Jul 26, 2023 2:08 pm Product News

Actors across the advisory and investment banking communities utilize Reorg’s Court Filings data as a resource to get an edge on business development research, build out comparison data across restructurings and more.

“Filing Type” filters allow users to easily pull relevant documents such as Retention Applications, Final Fee Orders, DIP documents, etc., without having to dig through the mass of filings on a single docket. 

These features in tandem with dynamic search functionality to hone in on any of the more specific filings. The top search bar enables full text search, while the Docket Caption box supports focued research on titles and captions.

Easily download the filings and search across the dataset at no additional cost to smoothly compile information on what your peers are charging, what’s market for DIPs, 363 sales and any other critical comparisons. 

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